In a recent study acupuncture reduced the length, pain, and the persistence of migraines. Migraines are a common occurrence, whether it be because of stress or an underlying condition. The main form of treatment is often painkillers, but that can bring many negative side effects in the long run. Chinese medicine is an all-natural way […]
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There are many different types of acne, and different causes as well. Some people suffer from acne because of a poor diet, genetics, imbalanced hormones, stress, or skin type. Many people affected by acne, try to get rid of it with antibiotics, creams, face washes, and other treatments, without seeing positive results. However, no matter […]
A patient with inflammation on his toe came to our Clinic, after numerous attempts to get rid of it. After seeing 3 doctors including a specialist, they all prescribed anti-biotic medication, and even had his toenail removed with no positive results. After struggling for so long, the patient decided to visit our clinic and treat […]
In vitro fertilization also known as IVF is a treatment offered to women that wish to become pregnant. IVF is fertilization outside the womb, for women struggling to conceive. Unfortunately, it is very common for IVF to fail the first few times, and result in a miscarriage. This usually happens when the woman has a […]
Allergic rhinitis occurs seasonally or year-round, but can vary from person to person. Symptoms may include sneezing, runny nose, red, and itchy eyes. Those with seasonal allergies, should have a plan of action for when the allergy hits. While antihistamines are the most common form of treatment. There is a better alternative that can be […]
The bill includes better education for healthcare providers on how to safely prescribe opioids and programs for safe disposal of opioids. Access to natural alternatives to pain management in the emergency room will also be implemented in this bill. Alternative medicine can now be accessible to more people. Patients will benefit highly from alternative treatments instead […]
Treat your dry skin this winter with Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine heals from the inside and gets to the root of the problem. Chinese herbs are especially helpful for keeping your skin looking radiant and supple as well as improving your overall health. Here are some tips to help you through the Winter months to […]
When the weather drops, some psoriasis patients may experience an outbreak. Psoriasis is an immune system disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. Psoriasis typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, but can appear on any location.How do I get Psoriasis?While scientists do not know the exact […]
Shingles is a reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the body. This causes a painful rash or blisters, as well as experiencing postherpetic neuralgia. PHN, is a burning pain that affects the nerves and skin, that occurs after the shingles lesions are gone. It is very painful, and most patients seek painkillers to relieve the […]
LSC is a common cutaneous disorder characterized by hyperpigmented, patches and plaques of thickened skin, Scratching makes it even itchier. This itch-scratch cycle causes the affected skin to become thick and leathery. You may develop several itchy spots, typically on the neck, wrists, forearms, legs .The more you scratch, the more it itches. LSC may […]